Online training of company car drivers.

The portal online training of company car drivers came into existence to make work easier for human resource officers, executives, company owners and of course employees. It deprives you of all worries concerning to training of company car drivers, saves your time and money and reduces administrative workload.

Why you should choose training with us?

DRIVING SCHOOL - is direct provider of the portal - professionalism guarantee.
TRAFFIC NEWSLETTER, which we publish. We regulary inform users of online training of company car drivers about news in traffic legislation and other important information in this area throught it.
CLIENT ACCOUNT - every client of online training of company car drivers acquires access to it. He administrates the complete training, has an overview about trained employees and other advantages.
CERTIFICATE / CERTIFICATION CARD - every company obtains a certificate and every employee a certification card.
STATISTICS - the system informs you continuously about state of trained employees - you don't have to worry about anyting, the system reminds you and you will be sure that you haven't forget about anything.
new! DOWNLOAD - You can download some useful documents in the News section, which will hepl you in everyday driver's life.

If you like our service, we will be pleased if you become our next satisfied customer.
next satisfied customer. 

Just order and we will take care about everything else.





Zaktualizovány testové otázky
Krásné svátky a radostný rok 2025 plný pohodových kilometrů.
Dnem 1.11.2024 začíná zimní období. Nezapomeňte auto na zimu připravit.
Proběhla aktualizace testových otázek dle aktuálních legislativních změn.
Přejeme Vám krásný radostný rok 2024.
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Poskytovatelem a odborným garantem služby:

Tomáš Pešek